Burrowing Owl, Black-whiskered Vireo, and Antillean Nighthawk were today’s main target birds. I guided Jim from Massachusetts to see some target birds toward his goal of reaching 600 species. We started the day off early and searched for Burrowing Owl. The pair of owls that I had been watching were a no-show so I had to find another one. I found that one and it was off to the fabulous Florida Keys for the other two species. The day started fairly cool for this time of year but it did get hot later on. We traveled to Key Largo for the Black-whiskered Vireo where we found a pair fairly easily. We then traveled south to Windley Key State Park where a Bahama Mockingbird was reported. We saw quite a few migrant warblers here but we did not find the reported Bahama Mockingbird. We then continued south to Islamorada for a wonderful lunch at an excellent restaurant called Lazy Days. After lunch, we drove south to Long Key State Park where a Western Spindalis female was reported the day before. We tried hard in the heat of the day to find this bird. We did have a nice assortment of migrant warblers but we didn’t have luck finding the Western Spindalis. We then went into Curry Hammock State Park in hopes of finding a rarity but we did not. That is the fun of looking for rarities, you will not find them unless you get out in search of them. The odds are low that you will find one, but you won’t find one if you don’t try. Now the day was getting later but too early to search for Antilliean Nighthawk. We decided on an early dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Florida Keys Steak and Lobster House. We had a great dinner, it was a good thing we went early as it was packed by the time we left! We still had time to kill until dusk to wait for an appearance of Antillean Nighthawk. At about 7:45 pm the first and only Antillean Nighthawk came in at the west end of the Marathon Airport. Not too long after a Common Nighthawk flew in also from the west. The Antillean Nighthawk came in and did its call, Pity pit pit. The Common Nighthawk called with a single pent call. Jim was super happy and was much closer to his goal of seeing 600 species for his life list. It was a very long day but worth it!